Young Trevor seemed to be having the time of his life. He was a good student and not only that but he was a great athlete. Trevor was a star at football. Nothing could be going bad. Little did anyone one that happy Trevor was suffering inside. He finally had enough and committed suicide. An honor student, he had friends but he was also gay. People didn’t know he was gay. And if they did he would not be accepted. That was why he lived by the book, being a perfect student and friend. He felt trapped and ended his life by hanging himself. His parents could not bear being inside the house that last saw their son alive. They spent the hall day at his high school.
Teen suicide has now taken 3rd in the top things that young people age 15-24 (after unintentional injury and homicide) die of. It has become forth leading cause of death in young people of ages 10 to 14. An average of two teens commits suicide in Washington State a week. 5000 is the number of teens who commit suicide every year. Every 100 minutes a teen commits suicide. 80 percent of the time a teen show signs or talks about committing suicide. The other 20 percent are people who you could have never expected. There lives seem perfect and little did anyone know until one day they decide to end their life. 4 times more men commit suicide them women, but women attempts suicide 3 times before men. 60 The percentage of high school students who said they had thought about killing themselves, according to a recent survey of high school students.
Districts like the Highline School District have a team of professionals to deal with the deaths of their peers. This “Crisis Team” gets called in by the principal according to how savior it is. The “Crisis Team” is made up from several well trained social workers and counselors. They set up a safe counseling room. The crisis team works with teachers and staff to deal with deaths. Depression can add to the thoughts of suicide. Most of the time before a teen commits suicide they give signs like: Changes in eating habits, dropping hints about suicide; making a plan, giving away prized possessions, being very obsessive and perfectionist, engaging in risky behaviors (driving recklessly, increased drug and alcohol use of abuse.
For the last couple of years suicide prevention has moved on to they shadow. The brochures and flyers that once floated at every high school bulletin board now lay in file cabinets. During the 1960’s suicides were hidden. What this means is that no one talked about it and no one tried to fight against them. It was thought that if you talked about it then they would happen. There wasn’t anyone there to help with the loss, sorrow, and grief.
“If a young person you know seems depressed or gloomy and has been spending a lot of time questioning what life is worth the bother, its time to pay attention” – Anonymous parent (son lost to suicide).
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Monday, March 8, 2010
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